Login to Complete a Nomination or to Access the Judging Panel
All chapters are required to annually submit the compliance report to ISACA within 30 days after their Annual General Meeting (AGM). Chapters must acknowledge that all 12 requirements have been met in the report. Your chapter's board/leader roster update and audit verification/financial review must still be submitted through at support ticket at https://support.isaca.org. Only one report should be submitted for each chapter.
Click here to start a new 2024 chapter compliance report.
If you have already started a report and are returning to add content or submit it, click on My Nominations in the left menu and it will take you to any open reports. Because this platform also hosts other ISACA programs, the word "nomination" is used in some areas that my be confusing. Please know that in these instances, "nominations" refers to "reports" when completing the compliance reporting process.
When you have completed and submitted your compliance report, you will receive an e-mail confirmation from chapters@isaca.org via the secure.platform.com domain. The domain name is important to note as this may go to your spam/junk folder. Please make sure to add this to your e-mail's safe/white list.